
Snappy snaps business

Hello and welcome to my web site.

I hope you find something of interest. You are in the right place if you are looking for help in supporting your managers and business leaders in achieving their personal or business objectives.

I and my associates provide a comprehensive range of L&D services from Strategic L&D, Design and Delivery, Coaching, Restorative Mediation, plus my flagship programme ‘Hollywood Lessons in Leadership™’.

I am also happy to write a piece for your publication or speak at your business event.  Please get in touch if you would like to discuss things further. 



     Anne Oberon FCIPD                                                                                                                            M.Sc Org’ Development



Hollywood Lessons in Leadership™Characters snip

Hollywood Lessons in Leadership™ is a development programme based on original research into the nature of leadership as symbolised in film, TV drama and mythical stories. Understanding the stages of the journey, together with the characters that populate the world of adventure, will prepare you to face the challenges that await you on your leadership odyssey.



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